Monday, July 7, 2008

Things you Need for a Baby Shower

How many times have you gone to or hosted a baby shower and found out something was missing? Many people take baby showers for granted. Baby showers are just as important as birthdays, anniversaries and all the other parties we celebrate. We celebrate the coming of a new family member. Here is a guide to what you need for a baby shower.

1.Invitations. How do you expect guests to come if you don't invite them? Don't buy invitations that are plain and boring, give your guests a sneak peek on what your baby shower will be like. Make it attractive and fun. Your guests will surely look forward to your party.

2.Have a few games and of course prizes. You can purchase these games and prizes at supermarkets or even online through eBay. Games and prizes will bring life and joy to the party rather than keeping your guests bored.

3.Since you're having a party, you'll need a venue. Once you have a venue, you will need table, chairs, and of course decorations. Tables and chairs could be rented. While the decorations could be purchased at supermarkets and party supply shops. You can even do them yourself. You can buy the materials at your local arts and crafts store and you can ask a few friends to help you out in making the decorations.

4.You can't have a party without..... Food and Drinks! What kind of host will forget food and drinks. A buffet table would be great. Finger food and non-alcoholic drinks would be great. Preparing heavy meals isn't advisable. It takes too much time to prepare. Finger foods like chicken fingers, fish and chips, French fries, and onion rings are just a few of your options. As for the drinks, punch without the alcohol would be great.

5.Lastly, the souvenirs. You can buy baby shower souvenirs cheaper if you buy them in bulk. They don't have to be expensive. A little token of thanks would be most appropriate. This will make your guests feel more appreciated.

Remember, before going shopping for your baby shower supplies, write a list of what you need. You can save more time by doing this. A baby shower celebrates the coming of your new family member. You should make it special. There are no redo's when hosting a baby shower. You will only do it once so you better do it right.

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