Monday, July 7, 2008

Baby Shower Corsage

A baby shower corsage makes a delightful souvenir item for your guests. Even better, it's affordable and relatively easy to create.

How to Make a Souvenir Baby Shower Corsage

Choose a color theme.
In most cases, you should match the color theme of your baby shower corsage with the overall color scheme of your party. But if you haven't any designated party color scheme, you could go for either pink or blue, depending on your baby's gender. White is also a good and neutral color and won't clash with any of your guests outfits.

Choose what flowers to use.
Traditionally speaking, baby's breath, tea roses, carnations, or orchids are often used to make corsages. Just one or a combination of them is acceptable to use. Other flowers are acceptable as well, and it mostly depends on your preferences and party theme. Just make sure that your choice of flowers matches your party atmosphere. Daisies and dandelions, for instance, might clash with a formal baby shower. Silk or man-made flowers may also be used for baby shower corsages if you want something longer-lasting.

Prepare materials and supplies.
To create baby shower corsages, you'll need scissors, glue (if you're not going to use fresh flowers), fabric ribbons cut into thin strips, and floral tape and wire. Finally, you'll need straight pins if you're intending the guests to pin the corsages on their lapels or wristlets if you want them to wear them on their wrists.

Create a baby shower corsage.
Start cutting flowers to your preferred length. The length is usually uniform although you can also provide varied sizes of corsages to provide a better match for your guests.

After cutting the flowers, use floral wire to mold the flowers into the shape of a hairpin. Make sure that you twist the ends of the wire to prevent guests from accidentally pricking themselves. Next, use floral tape to cover the wired floral stems completely. Arrange the flowers together before taping them into a bundle. This is where knowledge in ikebana will come in handy.

Make sure that the flowers are securely tied together. Afterwards, tie the strip of ribbon around it as a final touch. And lastly, use the wire from your steps to loop around and attach the corsage to the wristlet.

Try out one for yourself. If it feels comfortable then you can do the same with the rest. If not, consider what adjustments you can make to improve the feel of your baby shower corsage. Remember to refrigerate them if they won't be put to use immediately.

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